On February 23, 2012, “Protect Athens Music” will host two panels at the Melting Point, highlighting pressing areas of law and music business and featuring LEGAL AND MUSIC BUSINESS EXPERTS.
The following day, local entertainment attorneys will offer legal advice in a FREE music law clinic at Nuci’s Space, focusing on the legal issues that individual local musicians face. The clinic will provide the opportunity for musicians to have ONE-ON-ONE CONSULTATIONS with experienced entertainment attorneys.
The conference/panels are open to anyone- feel free to walk in and out.
For information regarding clinic appointments please email protectathensmusic@gmail.com.
WHEN: February 23-24, 2012
WHAT: Panel discussions led by music industry professionals on topics including how to book shows, what terms to look for in contractual transactions, who owns the copyright to your music, how to exploit those copyrights in alternative revenue streams, etc. Also, a free legal clinic the next day for those who sign up for a 30 minute appoinment.
WHERE: Panels: Melting Point; Clinic: Nuci’s Space
CONTACT: ProtectAthensMusic@gmail.com; Find us on Facebook (Protect Athens Music) and
Twitter (@proathensmusic)
2/23 3PM meet and greet
3:30-4:30 1st panel: Booking/contract issues
David Barbe, Director, UGA Music Business Program (moderator)
Chad Denny, VP/Booking Agent, Nimbleslick Entertainment
Josh Erwin, Member, Packway Handle Band
Steve Lopez, Tour Manager, Widespread Panic
Eddie Owen, Founder, Eddie's Attic
Velena Vego, Talent Buyer, 40 Watt
Nelson Wells, President, Team Clermont
4:45:5:45 2nd panel: Copyright issues
David Claassen, Director, BMI
Bertis Downs, Manager, R.E.M.
Nikki Marshall, Owner, Red Clay Clearances
Lisa Moore, Director, Georgia Lawyers for the Arts
David Prasse, Owner, Slushfund Recordings
David Shipley, Professor, University of Georgia School of Law (moderator)
2/24 11AM-3PM 30 minute appointments