Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Road to Nuçi's Space

We  always jump at an opportunity to  develop stronger ties to our great Athens community and so joining in with ACC Adopt-A-Highway and Keep Athens Beautiful  was always in our minds. When we applied it was doubly exciting to discover that   the  1.2 mile stretch of Oconee Street   from S Williams to Oak  Street was available as it runs right by  our building. Though we have done our first clean up  we do anticipate a further  4 or 5 clean ups a year and while we are looking forward to organizing ours we encourage and  hope we inspire other businesses and nonprofits to join in, adopt  and help make Athens just a little more beautiful.
For more information on becoming part of our clean up crew contact lesley@nuci.org  subject  " Adopt-a-Highway "